Monday, December 23, 2019

Analyzing The Health Status Of A Specific Minority Group

Analyzing the health status of a specific minority group (Hispanic/Latino) in the United States Author University According to the â€Å"Summary of Health Statistics for the U.S Population†, around 10.3% of Hispanic population living in United States suffers poor health. (, 2015) From a count of 52608 Hispanic/Latino people in America, 5437 are in poor health status. There can be numerous reasons for it, for example, loss in employment, loss in health insurance, not medically insured at all, malnourishment, etc. The CDC report shows that non-Hispanic white persons who were living in poor conditions were unable to go to work due to health issues. It is stated that it was twice as much as the Hispanic population. Moreover, it was reported that white people experienced greater incidents of adverse medical consultancy than the Hispanic persons. Statistics show that the numbers are 129 and 82 (out of thousand) respectively. However, the figures for health insurance in case of Hispanic people are not satisfactory. Around 32% of Hispanic population, who lie in the age bracket of less than 65, is not medically insured. (, 2015) The health status of Hispanic/Latino minority group is satisfactory in United States. In 2010, the top three diseases that caused death among them were Cancer, Diabetes and Heart attack. It is said that about 1/4th of Hispanic adults do not receive proper health care in US. According to a survey conducted by Wood Johnson Foundation, aboutShow MoreRelatedDiscrimination And The Health Care977 Words   |  4 PagesI. Introduction Being a minority in the United States has and will possibly always been a struggle. With the economy being in shams and minimum wage becoming career, minorities have multiple issues that society is unaware especially in health care. A large percent of minorities are the majority of workers of America, in which requires the most of the health care distribution. 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